Aero - Bootstrap 4x Admin Template Free Download

Aero, a next generation modern and clean Bootstrap 4x dashboard and admin template using flat, modern and minimal design. It is fully responsive built using SASS preprocessor, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery plugins. CRM, Backend Websites, CMS, build Blog, Business website

Plugins List

  1. Bootstrap v4.2.1
  2. Latest jQuery v3.3.1
  3. Built in SCSS
  4. Summernote
  5. CKEditor
  6. Markdown
  7. Morris Charts
  8. Flot Charts
  9. ChartJS Charts
  10. Knob Charts
  11. C3 Chart
  12. Jquery Datatable
  13. Editable Tables
  14. Responsive Tables
  15. Form Examples
  16. Form Validation
  17. Advanced Form Elements
  18. Form Wizard
  19. Color Pickers
  20. Masked Text Inputs
  21. Multi Select
  22. Tags Input
  23. Input Slider
  24. Date Picker
  25. Drag & Drop Upload
  26. Sortable & Nestable
  27. Treeview
  28. Progress Bars
  29. Range Sliders
  30. Sweet Alert Dialog