Dan Fisher

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

July 13, 2018

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Yeah what’s the matter? You know I’m kinda busy with my new
upcoming Equalizer 2, spending all the time in Hollywood.

So tell me what’s exciting? What’s going on?

5:28 pm

July 15, 2018

Ah got it...

5:29 pm

Actually nothing so important.. OK it’s important. I heard you were
looking for a new villain for Equalizer 2. May be I’m a good fit for this.

You know what? I can give good dialogue delivery like Samuel L. Jackson
and, and nice expressions like Di Caprio.

5:30 pm
Morgan Freeman

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

July 13, 2018

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Yeah what’s the matter? You know I’m kinda busy with my new
upcoming Equalizer 2, spending all the time in Hollywood.

So tell me what’s exciting? What’s going on?

5:28 pm

July 15, 2018

Ah got it...

5:29 pm

Actually nothing so important.. OK it’s important. I heard you were
looking for a new villain for Equalizer 2. May be I’m a good fit for this.

You know what? I can give good dialogue delivery like Samuel L. Jackson
and, and nice expressions like Di Caprio.

5:30 pm
Samuel L.

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

July 13, 2018

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Yeah what’s the matter? You know I’m kinda busy with my new
upcoming Equalizer 2, spending all the time in Hollywood.

So tell me what’s exciting? What’s going on?

5:28 pm

July 15, 2018

Ah got it...

5:29 pm

Actually nothing so important.. OK it’s important. I heard you were
looking for a new villain for Equalizer 2. May be I’m a good fit for this.

You know what? I can give good dialogue delivery like Samuel L. Jackson
and, and nice expressions like Di Caprio.

5:30 pm
Denzel Washington

Acting is just a way of making a living, the family is life.

July 13, 2018

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Hey Masum, How about you?

5:27 pm

Yeah what’s the matter? You know I’m kinda busy with my new
upcoming Equalizer 2, spending all the time in Hollywood.

So tell me what’s exciting? What’s going on?

5:28 pm

July 15, 2018

Ah got it...

5:29 pm

Actually nothing so important.. OK it’s important. I heard you were
looking for a new villain for Equalizer 2. May be I’m a good fit for this.

You know what? I can give good dialogue delivery like Samuel L. Jackson
and, and nice expressions like Di Caprio.

5:30 pm

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